Call us at 919-870-8338.

Pump Basics

The most common pump in our area is the submersible pump. Unlike the traditional hand pump that pulls water up out of the well, the submersible pump pushes water up from the well, into a pressure tank and into the house.

Submersible pumps come in ½, ¾, 1 and 1.5 horsepower versions. The deeper the well, the higher the horsepower needed. We stock all of these on our van, so we can respond at any time to an emergency.

The pump does not operate continuously, but runs just long enough to fill the pressure tank, typically located under the house. The tank has a pressure switch that is set to turn the pump on when the pressure reaches 30-40 PSI, then stops when the pressure reaches 60-70 PSI.

Most of the time the system runs smoothly, but if any component (the pump, the wire, pipe, pressure tank or tank controls) is compromised or fails it can result in no water or inadequate water pressure.

Jet pumps are used in shallow wells less than 100 feet in depth. Since most wells in our area are from 100 to as much as 500 feet deep, jet pumps are not common. The action of the jet pump motor does not pump the water, but rather creates a suction that draws water out of the well. Jet pumps need to be primed in order to work, so they have a one way check valve that keeps the prime intact.

Obviously, a pump needs electricity to function. Many of our customers are concerned that with electrical outages due to weather or concerns about the reliability of the electrical system, or perhaps simply wanting to live "off the grid", a hand pump system might be the answer. Reminiscent of the traditional hand pump, it is far more efficient and can pump water from depths up to 300', and of course is not dependent on electricity. Call us for a quote. 

We offer 24/7 service, and can usually solve any pump problem on the spot. Call us at 919-870-8338. ​

A Complete Pump and Water Pure, LLC, Water Filtration & Purification Equipment, Raleigh, NC